It’s one of Philadelphia’s favorite bar games. Here’s where you can play Quizzo in PHL:
“You mean bar trivia?” They say. “No. I mean Quizzo.”
It’s time to take all of that wasted time on IMDB and E! and get yourself some free stuff.
Hop Angel Brauhaus
7980 Oxford Ave | Northeast Philadelphia | hopangel.com | 215-437-1939
Join Quizmaster Jack every Tuesday night at 8pm for Quizzo. The set up is usually 4 rounds of 10 questions. Teams can have up to 4 members. Win quizzo, win some free drinks!
Grey Lodge
6235 Frankford Ave | Northeast Philadelphia | greylodge.com | 215-856-3591
Join Quizmaster Jack every Wednesday night at 8pm on the 2nd floor for Quizzo. The set up is usually 4 rounds of 10 questions. Teams can have up to 4 members. Prized for first and second place.
The Victoria Freehouse
10 S. Front Steet, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106 | victoriafreehouse.com | 215-543-6089
Quizzo Every Wednesday at 8PM. Specials include $5 Garlic Marmite Wings and $5 Carlsberg Pints. Gift Card Prizes and Giveaways.
Paddy Whacks Pub – Welsh Road
9241-43 Roosevelt Blvd., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19114 | facebook.com/PaddyWhacks | (215) 464-7544
Wednesday Food & Drink Specials Include $3 Craft Beers, $3 Bud Light, BL Lime, Bud & Ultra Bottles, $10 Buckets and 1/2 Price Cheesesteaks
The Blind Pig
702 N. 2ND St. | 26-763-94565
Every Monday @ 8pm
44th + Spruce, West Philly | local44beerbar.com | 215-222-2337
Sundays @ 9pm with Host JB Farley (the 2012 “Best Of Philly Quizzo” host himself)… No pre-registration, no drink minimum. Just show up and show the room how smart you are! Prizes include gift cards to Local 44 and cool beer swag!
Wissahickon Brewing Company
3705 W. School House Lane, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19129 | wissahickonbrew.com | (215) 464-7544
Come out to Wissahickon Brewing Company for our bi-weekly Quizzo hosted by Sean Maguire. Gift cards, free beer & more
SawTown Tavern
4717-19 Princeton Ave, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19135 | (215) 332-1699 | sawtown.com
Join us every Monday night at 8:30pm for a fun night of Quizzo with Robb Reichard. You don’t have to have a team to play, “single player” teams are welcome. Bring your friends or make new ones! Game is 5 rounds of general knowledge, pop culture, current events and Philadelphia trivia.
Chickie’s & Pete’s Robbins Ave
4010 Robbins Ave, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19135 | chickiesandpetes.com
Great time very Tuesday night.