
When you think “pawn shop,” you probably focus on gold, silver, and other jewelry and electronic devices like computers and televisions. While you can find all of these items in a pawn shop, you can also find some unexpected treasures.

Pawn shops aren’t just a place to turn to if you are in need of inexpensive jewelry or a quick loan anymore. These days, you can find a wide selection of items in pawn shops at a steeply discounted prices. Discover some unexpected items you can save on at your local pawn shop.

  • Renovation Supplies. As a homeowner, you know DIY projects can require the use of power tools and other supplies, which can quickly become costly. If you are in need of tools for a home improvement project, check your local pawn shop before heading to the hardwood store. You can usually find brand name equipment at discounted prices, which is especially useful if you’re only going to use the tool every now and again. Lower the overall cost of your project with pawn shop tools.
  • Classic Movies. For your next movie night, skim the pawn shop for heavily-discounted V VHS movies or DVDs. Pawn shops are a great place to find older films that you may have difficulty finding in other stores. You can also find old movies you may have forgotten about for a really low cost.
  • Musical Instruments. If you play an instrument or have a child interested in taking music lessons, you can find musical instruments for inexpensive prices at a pawn shop. If you aren’t ready to commit to a full-priced new instrument or unsure if your child is going to stick with playing, buying used is your best option. In addition, pawn shops are a great place to find inexpensive instrument accessories.6cb66d73-52d8-4c99-ab83-79f7785c09e0
  • Video Games. You can find games of all varieties at a pawn shop. From video games and consoles to board games, pawn shops have a number of options available at great prices. Even if you’re not in the market for a game, pawn shops are great for finding replacement parts like controllers. If you’re lucky, you’ll be able to hunt down a classic system or retro game that’s expensive online.
  • Sporting Goods. If you or your family members play sports, you know how costly equipment and gear can be. Pawn shops typically carry sporting equipment that is in good, working condition. If you’re looking for a spare soccer net to use at home or an extra baseball bat to keep in the trunk of your car, head to your local pawn shop for some affordable equipment options.

Discover more than jewelry and electronics at your local pawn shop and save money while you do! For more information about what you can find at a pawn shop, check out 1st United Pawn & Loan.


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