Nothing is more of a buzz kill than being eaten alive by insects which is always followed by excessive itching and scratching. Now you can enjoy a less buggy summer with this crafty mosquitoes trap  made from an inexpensive, everyday, household item.

You will need:

-Empty 2 liter bottle (plastic)
-Warm Water

To make your mosquito trap, simply cut the top off a 2 liter bottle off as shown and invert the cone in the inside of the straight part of the bottle. Glue the two pieces together to create a seal. Add 1 tsp yeast and 1/2 cup sugar to some warm water.  Pour the mixture into the bottle.

Why it Works– Mosquitoes are attracted to the carbon dioxide that you exhale. The yeast feeds off the sugar and emits the same gas, so the mosquito enters the bottle for the carbon dioxide and becomes trapped.

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