11096578_1092265754132832_4707489659887681663_nIndego Bike Share is launching in Philadelphia on April 23rd with a celebration at Eakins Oval with music, snacks, the Mayor, and lots of bikes to ride!

The launch event will culminate with hundreds of people riding bikes off to stations throughout the city. They’re looking for folks to be the first ones to ride the bikes!

To sign up for the ride-off, select your preferred station destination from the options provided. You’ll be assigned a bike and asked to sign a waiver. Please note: They have a limited number of spots per station.

They are currently recruiting folks who would like to be the lead for their stations. If you would like to lead your station, please email info@rideindego.com. Leaders get a free limited-edition Indego t-shirt!

REMEMBER! A big goal of the ride is to put the bikes into circulation for others to use, so make sure to pick a station close to where you want to end up! You can always check a new bike out after the ride-off to get to your final destination.

Schedule of events:

11am – 11:30 – Check-in
11:30 – 12:30 – Party!
12:30 – Ride-off.

DON’T FORGET to bring your helmet! For more information, click here.


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