We’ve enjoyed our figgy pudding, unadorned the mantle, and cleaned the last of the tinsel off the floor. Our halls are officially undecked and we’re left wondering how to dispose of tour previously beautiful Christmas trees.  The city of Philadelphia’s Streets program has announced their 2012 Christmas Tree recycling program, providing residents an easy way to dispose of their holiday evergreens while helping the environment.

From January 3rd through January 14th you can easily drop your Christmas tree off at any one of the following eleven recycling sites throughout Philadelphia.

Streets Department Sanitation Convenience Centers

3033 South 63rd Street
Domino Lane and Umbria Street
State Road and Ashburner Street

Santiation Convenience Centers are open from 8:00am to 6:00pm Monday through Saturday. Trees may be dropped off during the above business hours from January 3-14, 2012.

Additional drop off sites are available courtesy of Greenlimbs.com

Saturday January 7:

Queen Village Neighbors Association, Washington West Civic Association, Society Hill Civic Association, Bella Vista Neighborhood Association, and South Street Headhouse District
Site 1- Whole Foods Market (929 South Street) 10am-4pm
Site 2- Weccacoe Playground (400 block of Catherine) 10am -1pm

*Curbside pick up is available if reserved by January 4 at treecycling@greenlimbs.com

New Kensington Community Development Corporation, Fishtown, Olde Richmond Civic AssociationPalmer Dog Depot (E. Palmer Street on the north side of Blair Street) 9:30am-12:30pm

Passyunk Sq., East Passyunk Crossing, Newbold Neighbors, Lower Moyamensing Neighborhood AssociationColumbus Square Park (13th & Reed Street) 10am-4pm

Northern LibertiesLiberty Lands Park (3rd & Poplar) 10am – 4pm

Bartram’s Garden (54th & Lindbergh Blvd) 9:30am – 12:30pm

Marconi Plaza(Broad & Oregon) 1pm-4pm


Sunday January 8:

Logan Square NeighborsBoy Scouts Parking Lot (22nd & Winter) 9:30am-12:30pm

Friends of Eastern State Penitentiary(22nd & Brown) 1pm-4pm

Green in Chestnut HillNorwood Fontbonne School (Sunset Ave) 9:30am-12:30pm

East Mt. Airy NeighborsGabbie’s Garden (Chew Ave) 1pm-4pm

UC Green and University City DistrictClark Park (43rd & Chester)

 [box] A small donation of $5.00 is requested to help defray costs associated with the recycling program  [/box]


Please note: Before dropping off your tree please be sure that all trees are undecorated and free of any decor, ties, bags, wraps, etc. Please note the Christmas tree recycling program does not offer services to commercial entities. Should you have any questions regarding the program please call (215) 686-5560.

Any trees left curbside will be assumed trash and will not be recycled. Please be green and participate in this environmentally friendly service.

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