William Shatner

Whether you are a Trekkie or not, you have to know the infamous William Shatner. He has played memorable roles throughout his lifelong career in acting such as Captain Kirk (Star Trek) and Denny Crane (Boston Legal) and contributed to many memorable Pop Culture moments. Now you can see a culmination of his work at the Kimmel Center on March 15th at the performance of Shatner’s World. Shatner himself will take guests through a journey from his early days in Shakespearean stage actor to his years in television and even music. A limited number of VIP tickets are available for this exclusive event and can be purchased by visiting the Kimmel Center website.


In the meantime, get your fill of Bill by visiting the Estia Blog, who brings you 5 of Shatner’s most memorable characters.

A must see collection of video clips! 


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